Capital City Pride



Fun Run Apparel

Capital City Pride, Iowa based LGBT organization in Des Moines, hosts a series of events to celebrate community, love, and individuality. These are the fun run event shirts for 2018 and 2019.

2018’s “Run Queen" celebrates "Yaaas culture" and empowers Iowans to run to support health, love, and community. 2019’s “Run for Love” reminds dedicated runners of their enduring support for the LGBT community.


Rise Up

The 2018 Des Moines Pridefest theme "Rise Up" addresses the notion of triumph. Each Rise Up represents individual, unique voices. As a whole, it visualizes the place LGBT people have in Iowa. The pattern dually visualizes the power the community has in the state. The message Rise Up is equally present as Uprise, a response to intolerance, discrimination, and violence projected upon the LGBT community throughout history.

This photo series, published to The Advocate online, features 62 event photographs and portraits from Des Moines Pride 2018. These selects shed light on the people that make up the Midwest LGBTQ community. This series captures joy, family, community, music, individuality, pride, and above all love.